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2005 Convention Articles

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17th Anniversary Convention - 2005


1 - Mr. Joan de Zilva Moonesinghe

Corporate Governance and the Board Room

2 - Mr. Ajantha Madurapperuma

Capital Inadequacy

3 - Mr. Lani Ranwela

Credit Risk Management in Banks – a best practice approach

4 - Mr. Dimantha N. Seneviratne

Know your Company – Identifying Accounting & Financial Fraud in Credit Risk Management

5 - Mr. Subrata Majumdar

Risk Management – Retail Vs. Wholesale Lending

6 - Ms. Manohari Gunawardana

Possible Implications of Basel II on Market Risk Management of Companies in Sri Lanka

7 - Mr. Iftikar Ahamed

Market Risk – Applicability for Emerging Markets

8 - Mr. Aloysius David

Basell II and its impact on Structured Finance Market

9 - Mr. Sujit Christy

Managing Technology Risks in Banks in the context of Basel II

10 - Mr. Buwanekabahu Perera

Emerging issues in Risk and sound Risk Management

11 - Mr. Ashvin Parekh &
Mr. Manil Jayesinghe

Role of Auditors in Basel II

12 - Mr. Niroshana Seneviratne

Internal Audit – Practical approach to risk based auditing

13 - Mr. Arun Pingaley & Mr. Kiran Narsu

Implementing Basel II in the Compliance Continuum

14 - Mr. Parama Dharmawardene

The Way Forward for Trade Services Business – A new challenge for Banks